Measuring adaptive capacity among local organisations

Content Type: 
Curated Content
Author or Institution as Author: 
Marie-Ange Baudoin
Funding Partner: 
Date of publication: 
October, 2015
Gender marker: 
Youth marker: 

The study focused on the NDM as a first step:

Mixed research approach to collect quanDtaDve and qualitaDve data through interviews conducted with small organisaDons (15 NGOs, 8 CBOs and 7 governmental units) idenDfied as potenDal applicants to the SGF project in the NDM


1) to assess adapDve capaciDes among local organisaDons before the SGF project starts;

2) to idenDfy gaps in terms of knowledge and understanding of what CCA is ;

3) To inform facilitating agencies about needs for capacity buildings

Follow-up interviews will be conducted during the course of the SGF project to track progress in adapDve capacity and observe concrete impacts in terms of enhanced adapDve capacity among local organisaDons

Climate, Namakwa District Municipality (NDM), CCA
Contact name (for further information): 
Marie-­‐Ange Baudoin
Contact email (for further information): 
Contact institution (for further information): 
African Climate & Development IniDaDve
South Africa
CCARDESA Category: 

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