Partner Collections

Oct 2016
- Drought is the single greatest climate risk faced by most farmers in Eastern and Southern Africa. In discussions of climate risk, it is crucial to distinguish between meteorological...
Oct 2016
Crop yields in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are typically less than half of yields in the developed world. With growing populations, and with climate change already beginning to put downward...
Oct 2016
This information brief highlights key findings in the Vuna report “Scaling Up and Scalability: Concepts, Frameworks and Assessment,” by Pooniah Anandajayasekeram
Oct 2016
Effective scaling up is a key measure of success for an innovation or intervention. A new approach is typically tested in a pilot project that has limited reach. With monitoring and evaluation (M...
Oct 2016
This information brief highlights key findings in the Vuna report “Agricultural Drought and Climate Smart Agriculture”
Jul 2016
Project Brief  on the Vuna report “Comparative Assessment of Selected Agricultural Weather Index Insurance Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa,” by Carlos E. Arce (August 2016).
Jul 2016
- This paper presents a review of the commercial sustainability, profitability, challenges, impact, and potential contribution of weather index insurance (WII) products to improving resilience...
Jul 2016
Based on the Vuna report “Comparative Assessment of Selected Agricultural Weather Index Insurance Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa,” by Carlos E. Arce (August 2016).
Jul 2016
This paper presents a review of the commercial sustainability, profitability, challenges, impact, and potential contribution of weather index insurance (WII) products to improving resilience in...
May 2016
This Literature Review is the rst step towards a comparative assessment of Weather Index Insurance (WII) in the agricultural sector in East and Southern Africa. The second step involves visits to...
May 2016
This Literature Review is the rst step towards a comparative assessment of Weather Index Insurance (WII) in the agricultural sector in East and Southern Africa. The second step involves visits to...
Feb 2016
The incrementation of lysine, tryptophan and maize protein nutritional value in locals where maize is staple food could contribute significantly to improving the population nutritional status. The...
Jan 2016
L’Agriculture Urbaine est une réponse à plusieurs maux des grandes villes du Sud: les espaces limités, les déchets domestiques, l’urbanisation sauvage, les crues et inondations, la...
Dec 2015
The purpose of this study was to undertake an empirical investigation of adaptation “good practices” and define six categories of actions that can be practically considered by governments...
Oct 2015
This handbook, attempts on the one hand to explain and demystify the world of research methods, whilst on the other it seeks to provide a starting point for their use. In this, we are not suggesting...
Aug 2011
This document shows a successfully designed climate change strategies and made  innovative and effective contributions to climate change adaptation and mitigation actions designed by the...


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